Jul 10, 2024 | Newsletter, Therapy
In a world where physical distance can be a barrier to mental healthcare, the rise of online therapist consultations offers a transformative solution. Through virtual sessions, also known as teletherapy, individuals can now access support and guidance from licensed...
May 8, 2024 | Mental Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry, Therapy
Introduction to web-based psychiatry Web-Based Psychiatry: A Better Way of Transforming Mental Health Care involves providing mental health services online. It allows individuals to remotely consult with psychiatrists and therapists using video calls or messaging....
Jan 10, 2024 | Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
What is telepsychiatry? Telepsychiatry is a form of remote mental health care that allows patients to connect with psychiatrists and therapists via video calls or phone calls. This method of communication can be utilized by individuals who are unable to visit a mental...
Nov 2, 2023 | Mental Health, Newsletter, Telepsychiatry
What is Telepsychiatry? The benefits of telepsychiatry, a revolutionary way of delivering mental health services, is the potential to greatly improve accessibility and reach individuals who may not have otherwise been able to access care. Through the use of...